- Visit all 196 countries in the world
- Live with the Mursi people of Ethiopia
- Write a book, write a second book
- Get my books published by an established publishing house (Turbinex2)
- See a wild Polar Bear (Svalbard, minus 22 degrees celsius)
- Drink palm wine with the tribal people of Papua New Guinea
Drive slalom between bisons on a snowmobile in Yellowstone- Stand on the top of an erupting volcano
- Take the kids to Afghanistan
Getting shot at with burning arrows (as an extra in the movie Fatahillah”, Indonesia, 1997)- Visit all 7 continents before the age of 30
- See mountiain gorillas in the wild
- Eat blood sauce in Benin
- Visit all the countries of Europe, North America, Caribbean, Antarctica, South America, Pacific, Asia, Africa
- Dive with great white sharks
- Visit the North Pole
- Get to the final of an international Photo Competition
.Win an international Photo Competition - Hand feed a wild hyena
- Photograph my daughter hand feed a wild hyena
- Witness a satanic Poro ceremony in Cote D’ivoire
- Overland (no flight) from Antarctica to Equator and from Equator to Alaska (solo 1999/2000)
- Get my destination travel articles published in danish media covering 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170 countries
- Appear on national danish television, international television
- Get intervied by a danish magazine, intl magazine, danish newspaper, intl newspaper
Get interviewed by: DR aftenshowet, TV2 Go’ morgen Danmark, Jyllands-Posten, Politiken, DR Versus, P1, P3, P4, P5, 24Syv, Nova, Børneavisen, dr.dk, tv2.dk, bt.dk, Opdag Verden, Sjællandske Medier, Dagbladet Roskilde, KK Magazine (Norway), Counting Countries (US), Nomad Mania (UK) The Question (english/russian).- Spend 7 nights in a hammock on a riverboat traversing the Amazon River
- Drive through Sahara in a 2WD Fiat Palio
- Get first child before I was 35, second before 40
- Buy a house. Pay of the mortgage.
- Be financially independent
- Witness the secret and illegal Mursi “Donga” (stickfighting) ceremony
- Witness the ceremonial “Jumping of the bulls” with the Hamer people in Ethiopia
- Sleep (family trip) in a Yurt in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan
- See the great temples of Bagan, Burma and Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Sleep with a different woman on each of the 7 continents: 1,2,3,4,5,6 (bring your own gf of course counts..unfortunately I failed Antarctica..)- See the major waterfalls of the world: Salto Angel, Niagara, Iguazu, Victoria Fallshop, Kaieteur
- Say hello to a Komodo Dragon
- Overland (no flight) from Moscow to Bali (solo 1996/97)
- Take the children on a Round the world trip (3 months in 2012 15 countries, 7 of these in the Pacific)
- Travel 24 hours in the back of Mr Singhs (fully loaded) Bedford truck through the jungle of Guyana
- Being shot at by the Khmer Rouge (Angkor district, Cambodia 1996- may have been some other random people- shooting in the jungle when we were passing with a public boat though)
- Sleeping locally: Laos (Stilt house), Georgia (farm house), China (Monastery), El Salvador (priests house), Guatemala (fraternity house), Kyrgyzstan (Yurt), Ethiopia (camping with tribes) etc.
- Travel with the children and an armed guard between Hageisa and Berbera, Somaliland
- Being able to make a (decent) income from travelling (in stead of working in IT)
(and yes I know some of the stuff was not on my bucket list before I did them – so it’s sort of a mixed bucket/achievement list – but I thought some of the experiences were so great that had I known in advance I would have put them on!)
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